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Change of Generation

Generation's form and are formed - Diversity makes us stronger
What we can learn from and with each other

The working environment of the present and the future is shaped by a lot of complex and dynamic changes in economics and in society. The technological development, the global availability of people and information as well as the international competition call for a new approach of time and space. Organizational structures are getting leaner and at the same time more interconnected, project functions are replacing clearly defined activities, teams are working globally and 24 hours a day on new solutions for products and services. Flexibilization, specialization and life-long learning are key and the basis for growing demands that everybody is confronted with.


Generation Y

A new generation moves into the companies: Well educated, best informed, social media affine and with a strong self confidence, strengthened by the demographic development and the impending lack of specialists. The values of this so-called „Generation Y“ (people born between 1980 and 2000) and also their expectations regarding the employer differ enormously from those of earlier generations. Are the companies prepared to face this? Do leaders and the management know what this target group really is about and how they can meet these talents, how they can integrate, develop and foster their performance? In order to succeed one has to know by what these persons were / are influenced and why different terms are used for them:

  • Generation Why, because they question everything and everybody.

  • Generation Nintendo, Net Generation, Cyberkids, Generation@ or Digital Natives, because they exchanged the baby phone for a smartphone whilst being kids.

  • Millennials, because the millennium marked the beginning of a serious life for them – be it the beginning of school, apprenticeship, studies, profession or life as such.

  • Trophy Kids, because they collected all kinds of certificates, cups and other trophies for any performances.

  • Generation Internship, because the way of getting a 100% steady job is often flanked by various internships.

  • Generation Biedermeier, because they partly have surprisingly bourgeois notions of life.


You have to keep in mind that the Generation Y has to a high extent been formed by the Generation X and the Babyboomers and their notions of what is important in life. The Generation Y:

  • Is self-confident.

  • Appears inconsequent and therefore often without orientation.

  • Looks for security and stability.

  • Strives for sense, performance, and fun in his daily work life.

  • Longs for flexibility in time and space.

  • Calls for steady development and clear communication.

  • Is experienced in using technology and networks.


How can leaders and the management of these generations cope with people of the Generation Y? Profit by our experience and our knowledge to initiate changes faster and in a more simple way, leading to better results.


For more information, please contact us.


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