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FLIGBYs Leadership Simulation

The difference between moderate and successful learning
Learning to swim means getting into the water
Learning to ride a bike means getting on the bike
Learning to lead means go to the team and lead people

No matter how many books you read, videos you watch, people you exchange information and experiences with, or learning events you attend, in the end, we learn when we put our thoughts and intentions into action. Practice, practice, and practice again. Practice is the best teacher!


If you want to learn to swim, you need to get into the water, even if you have multiple conversations with others about how to swim. It is advisable that you put on a life jacket, for example, or that you are in a pool that is not deeper than you are tall. This way you are sure that nothing serious can happen!

If you want to learn how to ride a bike, then you have to get on the bike, even if you have watched a video on how to ride a bike. It is advisable that you have e.g., training wheels or someone who stands next to you and walks and holds you so that you do not fall over. This will ensure that you do not suffer serious injuries!

If you want to learn to lead, you have to go to your team and lead people, even if you are unsure about it but have read a lot about it. It is beneficial if you can try it out in a protected area, for example an area where they lead a team, but where not that ideal or good decisions do not have negative consequences for you. E.G.:


  • Trust erodes because promises are not kept.

  • Conflicts arise because disputes based on differences of opinion lead to them.

  • Resentment arises because tasks are assigned to people that other people would have liked to perform.

  • Resent under- or overestimating the performance of team members.

  • Giving emotional rather than factual feedback.

Numerous studies have clearly established what the key factors are that determine the success of any leadership development effort:

  • Individual learning characteristics

  • Quality and implementation method of the program

  • Practice new skills and receive feedback


Practicing new skills and receiving feedback has the greatest impact on the success of any leadership development initiative. It is about practicing leadership, learning from experience including failures, improving, and always moving forward in an environment with very low risks.

Pilots in a flight simulator
FLOW concept by Prof. M. Csikszentmihalyi

A quantum leap in leadership development

If you think this is utopia, you are wrong. Welcome to FLIGBYs leadership simulation, a unique learning environment where leaders experience risk free hands-on leadership. Practice, practice, and practice again until you succeed!


Why do prospective pilots or ship captains spend hundreds of hours in flight or ship simulators before they are trusted to fly an aircraft or navigate a ship? For many years, people in many fields have benefited from the concept of simulations and experiential learning.

In the 90s business simulations became popular. The name tells, these simulations have their focus on leading the business and not people. Skills and in particular leadership skills were not in their focus. This is past, FLIGBY's leadership simulation focuses exactly on leadership skills.


Simulations are replicating the real world in an interactive manner. They amplify real experience with guided experiences. Simulations are serious games, which go far beyond the classical known gaming. As with gaming, the fun factor is guaranteed, and simulations provide a controlled setting where learners are exposed to the challenges they face on a daily base.


As stated earlier, practicing new skills and receiving feedback has the strongest impact on the success of any leadership development initiative!


FLIGBYs leadership simulation follows these principles and offers scientifically validated content that grants managers and leaders:

  • Focusing on leadership skills

  • Practicing leadership behaviors/decisions

  • Receiving feedback

  • Motivating through a gaming environment (serious gamification)

  • Scientific basis through the worldwide recognized FLOW concept by Prof. M. Csikszentmihalyi

  • Validated leadership skills (Executive Core Qualifications)

Leadership skills - Executive Core Qualifications

Leadership simulation is a form of experiential learning where participants learn leadership skills and how to use these in different situations in the working environment. Participants need to react as they would be in reality and contribute their competencies to solve issues, relating to different aspects of the organization and the business they are in.

FLIGBYs leadership simulation has already been used by more than 30,000 users worldwide. Well-known global companies and universities use FLIGBY's leadership simulation.


To support and strengthen learning success, leaders and managers receive feedback regarding:

  • Their leadership behavior

  • How they use their leadership skills

  • What impact their behavior has on individual team members (FLOW).

  • How the economic situation of the company develops (narrative context)

  • How the company is developing in terms of sustainability


FLIGBYs leadership simulation takes place in a blended learning setting and is embedded in a scalable leadership development strategy for optimal impact.

Get a first impression of what FLIGBY is and how it works duration 2'46''

How FLIGBY is built and what services FLIGBY offers duration 4'22''

What's new in FLIGBY 2.0v duration 44'' - Flash Player is no longer required

Decisions a leader has to make and how the scenes change according to the decision

Link to the webpage of FLIGBY

For more information, please contact us.

We will be happy to provide you with our detailed brochure on how FLIGBYs leadership simulation is build, how it looks like, how to use it and the benefits for all, while successfully develop leaders.


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