Project Management
Part of the success of a company
In many organizations project management plays an important role for the success. Product life cycles that are getting shorter while competition is getting harder and a constant cost pressure - these are the challenges that companies are facing today. Organizations often do not have the necessary resources or abilities to lead and operate projects professionally. In a world that is changing faster and faster the ability to adapt to new situations will become the key factor to be successful and secure the future. Outstanding projects have to be executed target-oriented and fast together with the daily business. Project management is seen as a complex field within the management of organizations that needs a systemic approach in which processes, tasks, roles, instruments and methods are reviewed, defined and made use of. We provide project leaders who will be at your side to execute your project safely and successfully.
Our approach has proved in practice and is based on more than ten years of experience in consulting and project management and in direct project leads.
SCRUM - Agile project management: Roles, activities, and results
Product owner: Is responsible for the economic success of the product. Creates a PRODUCT VISION, sets priorities and involves all relevant people in the PRODUCT BACKLOG process.
Product owner and development team: They do the SPRINT PLANNING and decide which requirements from the PRODUCT BACKLOG should be handled in the SPRINT. These requirements go into the SPRINT BACKLOG.
Development team: defines how much it can do in SPRINT (defined size between 2 & 4 weeks).
The development team works without interference during the SPRINT. It is therefore autonomous and cannot "change requests". This is part of the SPRINT PLANNING.
Scrum Master: Leads the DAILY SCRUM meeting. It takes place every day standing, as max 15 minutes. Content:
What have I achieved since the last DAILY SCRUM?
What hinders me in my work?
What will I have done by the next DAILY SCRUM?
Discussions take place afterwards in smaller groups - not in DAILY SCRUM!
Scrum Master: Maintaining the process is kept, assisting in the removal of obstacles and disruptions or the self-organization of the team. Helping people to help themselves - modern understanding of leadership (leading by serving) without authority to issue directives.
Development team: Presents the results to the product owner in the SPRINT REVIEW.
All together: In the SPRINT RETRO-PERSPECTIVE the SCRUM TEAM looks at the process, what went well and how can this be sustained, what can be improved, etc. (Continuous Improvement Process - CIP)?
KANBAN - Agile project management: Roles, activities, and results
KANBAN originates from LEAN production with the goal of reducing inventory. In software development it is used to reduce lead times, increase quality and ensure an evolutionary CIP (Continuous Improvement Process).
The ACTUAL state of the value-added process is visualized in columns (-steps) on the whiteboard:
Phase: Description:
Backlog: All requirements are recorded on Post-It and (e.g. use cases, features or user cases). These " move"
from left to right over process steps!
To do/Plant: Requirements which are concretely formulated, released, and scheduled.
Development: Requirements which are in development.
Testing: Requirements which are in the testing phase.
Deployment/Release: Requirements which are ready for delivery are switched productive.
Done/Finished: Requirements which are actively used by the customer.
Important information can be read from the whiteboard:
Tracking - accumulated work per process step, cycle times, output, and error rate (quality of processing)
In which process steps are bottlenecks?
What tickets are not moving?
Completed tickets are marked in the process steps for picking up (doing vs. done).
ATTENTION: KANBAN is a PULL system! Tickets may only be fetched, never brought and only when existing ones are done. The amount of work should remain constant in the process steps and have a defined limit.
To promote the CIP culture (KAIZEN), short meetings are held daily in front of the KANBAN Board.
For more information, please contact us.